Our History

The LIDERAMOS creation story begins in December 2015 when the MillerCoors Company funded an initial networking seminar to convene experts in the field of Latino leadership and seven directors who operate exceptional leadership programs. This was the first meeting of its kind. Our purpose was to share effective models, best practices, and unique features with the intent of elevating the quality, content, and reliability of nonprofit Latino leadership programs.

The founding organizations quickly realized the benefits of bringing programs together and learning from one another. However, there was no organization whose core mission was to improve and ignite leadership in the Latino community. Thus, LIDERAMOS was launched. The Founders identified the following five dynamics that underscored the need for this organization.

Latino Leadership development programs are young with their emergence over a 30-year period, beginning in the 1980’s, but most were initiated in the 2000’s.

Sheer demographic projections underscore the need for massive leadership development programs to prepare Latinos to lead their growing numbers and to address the myriad needs and issues facing their communities.

Additionally, our nation will lose the potential contributions of this dynamic population and the infusion of energy, assets, and youthful promise Latinos bring.

More organizations need to be positioned to offer programs that prepare Latinos to lead their communities in a variety of fields, while better understanding and appreciating their cultural background.

A national partnership of Latino Leadership programs would offer numerous benefits for existing programs, enhance the scope and impact of Latino Leadership, and provide a knowledge base for cultivating additional programs.

In January of 2022, LIDERAMOS welcomed their inaugural Executive Director, Angela Mictlanxochitl Anderson Guerrero, PhD, to guide the organization forward as we build a nation of Latino Leaders.

Founding Board of Directors

President: Juana Bordas
President and CEO
Mestiza Leadership International – Colorado

Vice President: Sylvia Puente
President & CEO
Latino Policy Forum- Illinois

Vice President – Richard Martinez
RJ and Associates – San Antonio

Treasurer: Carol Rodriquez
Member Resources and Training Director
National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders – National Scope

Secretary: Angela Flores
COO Valle del Sol – Arizona
Hispanic Leadership Institute


Phyllis Barajas
Chief Executive Officer
Conexion – Advancing Latino Leadership – Boston

Erika Carsen
Senior Program Manager
Harvard JFK School of Government – Boston

William R. Gil
Educational Director  – Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute – DC

Dr. Lissette Garcia
COO and Director of Research Programs and Initiatives Manager

Jason Leon
Managing Director
Diversified Search – DC

Maria Pesqueira
Executive Director
Mujeres Latinas en Accion – Chicago

Hispanic Association for Corporate Responsibility – National Scope


Five Dynamics ~ Momentum for Latino Community Leadership

Latino Leadership development programs are young with their emergence over a 30 year period, beginning in the 1980’s, but most were initiated in the 2000’s.

Sheer demographic projections underscore the need for massive leadership development programs to prepare Latinos to lead their growing numbers and to address the myriad needs and issues facing their communities.

Strong, productive and expansive leadership programs are needed to address the myriad needs and issues facing Latinos today, and a growing young and mixed-race Latino demographic.

Additional organizations need to be positioned to offer programs that prepare Latinos to lead their communities in a variety of fields, while better understanding and appreciating their cultural background.

A national partnership of Latino Leadership programs would offer numerous benefits for existing programs, enhance the scope and impact of Latino Leadership, and provide a knowledge base for cultivating additional programs.

Committment to Community

LIDERAMOS is committed to elevating diverse voices within our organization, as well as to the external world. You will see usage of different terms throughout our website and external communications. We utilize terms such as “Latino,” “Latina,” “Hispanic,” “Latinx,” and others to represent people of Hispanic or Latino/a/x heritage, but understand that no one term can fully capture the diversity and beauty of our communities. You may also see “Latin@,” or “Latine” used in other spaces. While our specific mission reflects our attention to Latinos, our hope is to always welcome individuals to our organization as they identify and to serve as allies to all under-recognized, and marginalized communities.